Title: Stay, John/Cameron Fanvid Song: Stay, Safetysuit Pairing: John/Cameron, hints at John/Riley Spoilers: whole series Summary: Cameron is upset with John for spending time with Riley, and he's not sure what he did wrong.
Please don't stone me! I know this isn't exactly TSCC related. But, some TSCC fans talk about FOX maybe riding the coattails of Terminator Salvation doing well, which may spark some interest from the movie-going public in the show for its third season, assuming they'll renew the show
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I think this video perfectly sums up the characters' emotional conflicts re: the all-consuming war and having a life. I adore this show. The clip at the end, referencing the cyborgs' programming to learn and adapt to a human world is perfect. It's makes an interesting parallel. The question of human potential, especially in that kind of situation,
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